Southern Regional College, Armagh
SCE tendered and won the contract to design and supply the catering facilities for Southern Regional College in Armagh. This was a new build and SCE were subcontracted by the building contractor Felix O’Hare.

There were 2 main facilities required, a training kitchen and a restaurant. SCE fulfilled the contract supplying Bertos and Rational cooking equipment, SCE refrigeration and fabrication and Hobart warewashing and Moffat display units.
Southern Regional College, Newry
Furthermore, we carried out a bakery refurbishment at Newry College. We supplied BERTO'S SpA 4 Burner and 4 zone Induction units & a RATIONAL AG iCombi Oven. All the stainless steel work benches, service spines and sink units were manufactured in our fabrication department. In addition, special marble top benches were manufactured to allow students practise their chocolate work.